Alvyda’s Vision


Vision – The aim of Alvyda Jasilionyte is to help people and corporations to create strong brand. Represent yourself and organization by creating more favorable atmosphere through visual image, verbal and nonverbal communication, good manners and activities in the local surrounding where you are and in globe, when you travel.

Alvyda’s Mission:

  • To encourage clients to express themselves from inside outside – make their values as visible as possible.
  • To inspire, equip and empower corporations and individuals with relevant life skills in making image work areas of life that are important to you.
  • To spread knowledge to people about the importance and power of company and its brand.
  • To encourage people to be a real leader in own field or position.
  • Cooperation and team work. Cooperation with enterprises, organizations and communities helps them to act and strengthen their position in business arena.
  • Provide quality and professional image make service.

Alvyda’s Values:

  • Passion for life and people. You have every reason to find positive things in others. Take into consideration an individual prior his/her behavior. Do your best what you can do at the meantime!
  • Freedom. Self-confidence and self-expression leads to more freedom and responsibility.
  • Innovations. Be ready to meet new ideas, challenges of life in a creative and progressive manner.
  • Courage. Find what is important for you and do not be afraid to fulfill it. Stand by your own principles and be guided by high moral standards. We believe in continuation of professional development.
  • Beauty. The first thing we notice around us is beauty. Spend less-look more. Save time, money and energy and look more fabulous!
  • Respect. We treat our clients and everyone we work with respect.
  • Simplicity. Honesty, integrity and openness in all of our words and actions

These principles are the cornerstone of all our courses, coaching, consultations and programs.

Meet Alvyda
Alvyda is Personal Brand and Image Management Strategist, Corporate Image and Etiquette Consultant-Coach  

Founder of AJ IMAGE GROUP, Ltd.
Certificated by London Image Institute Consultant-Coach
Certificated by AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) FLC
Academy of Arts, UNESCO Culture Management and Culture Policy Master degree, Art curator
Author of books
Partner of Image Innovators

ALVYDA JASILIONYTE, a certified consultant and a coach. As an international brand expert she understands the first hand what it takes to develop a strong company or personal brand. She encourages you to follow your dreams, to set goals, and make the changes in your life you have always wanted by gaining self-confidence.

Alvyda Jasilionyte offers individual clients, enterprises and organizations a unique process to develop fresh, creative solutions to brand development. She provides seminars in business image, nonverbal and verbal communication skills, and media presentation, SPA, hotels and restaurant services, Brand Image & Corporate Image.

She also offers image-consulting services for the discerning executive in color, wardrobe analysis, personal shopping, and business protocol, guaranteed to save you 90% of the time it takes you to shop for yourself for half the cost! Her clients are executive managers, company managers; personal managers, company employees and people looking for transformation in their lives, seeking new jobs or wanting to improve their current situation. She coaches professional development, visual, nonverbal, interpersonal communication and presentation skills. Her clients have been known to increase their salary by up to 10-60%.

Alvyda has 25 years experience in business dress and etiquette, sales, brand creation, marketing and management with international brand giants such as Prestige Cosmetics from the USA and Lindstrom of Finland. She was responsible for advertising, product marketing, company culture, image creation, and exhibition preparation, branding and strategic planning.

Her work with the upscale restaurant Literatai involves brand development, food fashion, international etiquette and manners, management training and business protocol.

Alvyda has written articles for many magazines such as “Veikli”, “Vadovas”, “Stilius” , “Žmonės” and given interviews for national newspapers such as “Lietuvos rytas”, “Respublika”. Also, she has been featured in the Lithuanian National Television. She is the author of the books “Dalykinės išvaizdos vadovas/Professional business appearance”, “Kaip elgtis teatre/How to behave in the theater”, “Kaip elgtis prie stalo/How behave around the table”.  Animated video: How to behave in the street and in the public transportation. She was responsible for numerous of photo sessions.

Since 2005 she has been working as Image Consultant-Coach and teaching Business Ethics at Vilnius Management School, at Vilnius Academy of Arts “Future fashion” and “Corporate Image” subjects; organizing seminars, conducting presentations and giving private consultations. She made 1hour communication seminar in FSC Environmental Education, Prestone Montford, Shrewsbury, UK  and “train the trainer” 2 days program of Business Ethics in Belgium, University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent University Association.

Alvyda is a certified image consultant and coach from LONDON IMAGE INSTITUTE and Association of Image Consultants International FLC exam. She has a bachelor degree of Marketing and Management at Vilnius Management Academy. Her final paper was “Corporate Image”.  She has Master degree at Vilnius Academy of Arts, UNESCO Culture Management and Culture Policy department. Already was responsible for the exhibition between American University, Katzen Art center Washington and Vilnius Academy of Arts opening „E Pluribus Unum“. She speaks English, Russian and Lithuanian, learning French..

TMD (LR Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija)
Livadis (URM, „Specialiąją tranzito schemą įgyvendinančių darbuotojų įvaizdis ir jo pagrindiniai elementai“)
Dainava (LR Savivaldybių darbuotojai)
Boehringer Ingelheim RCV Kaunas
Citadele bankas
Nordea bankas
Kvapų namai
Birštono savivaldybė, (Čiulba Ulba pramogos Birštone)
Magnusson advokatų kontora
Klaipėdos prekybos pramonės ir amatų rūmai
„Lėvuo“ drabužių prekybos tinklas
A Sprendimai (VATESI)
Kulinarinio paveldo muziejus
Diva namai
Pretty grožio namai
Šiaulių verslo inkubatorius
Klaipėdos nafta AB
AVIVA Lietuva
Kauno prekybos, pramonės ir amatų rūmai
Lietuvos paštas
Optikos pasaulis
Lietuvos policijos mokykla
Konferencija „VEIKLI“
Zarasų rajono savivaldybė
UAB Dojus Agro
Holiday Inn
UAB Gera pramoga – OFFICE DAY Tarptautinė paroda “Biuras vakar, šiandien ir rytoj”
UAB SEB gyvybės draudimas
Small Talk Ideas UAB
RIMESS Baltic UAB (Lietuvos Auditorių Rūmai)
LAWIN Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas
UAB Bioeksma (UAB Kompetencijų ugdymo centras )
UAB ViaCon Baltic (UAB Hidroterra)
VVA Vilniaus Vadybos Akademija (dabar Kazimiero Simonavičiaus Universitetas)
VDA Kostiumo Dizaino Katedra
TMD Partners (Švietimo mainų paramos fondas)
UAB Vadovų Verslo Klubai
PVC (Projektų Vadybos Centras)
LAMA BPO (Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų asociacija bendram priėmimui organizuoti)
Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų Universitetas
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
Všį Tyrimų ir mokymų centras
Birštono turizmo informacijos centras
Vilniaus Liberalaus Jaunimo Organizacija
Viešoji Įstaiga Nacionalinė plėtros agentūra
Viešoji Įstaiga Investuok Lietuvoje
Joniškio turizmo ir verslo informacijos centras
Kupiškio rajono vietos veiklos grupė (Všį Neridita)
UAB Infoklodai
UAB Koelner Vilnius
UAB Lispimeks dangos

UAB Dangų centras
UAB Finsonas
UAB LS grupė
UAB Mūsų statyba (Betono mozaika)
Vilniaus m. Savivaldybė
UAB Ispado
UAB “PASPARA” svečių namai, restoranas “in555”
Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas
AB Ūkio bankas
UAB Zepter International
Lietuvos Gydytojų Sąjunga
UAB Medicinos paslaugų ir informacijos valdymo centras
UAB Mediacom Lietuva
Ekonomikos Mokymo Centras, UAB
Invalda Korporacija
TMD Partners
Advokatų profesinė bendrija Pranckevičius ir partneriai

Philantropic speaking for:
Lietuvos bibliotekininkų konferencija „Neatskleistos bibliotekininkų galios“
„Resta“ (Litexpo), „Įvaizdis, lemiantis verslo sėkmę“
Panevėžio verslo moterų tinklas „Profesionali išvaizda“
LR Seimas, „Kodėl (ar) mokykla turėtų ugdyti elgesio kultūrą“
Lietuvos jaunimo darbo birža, „Kaip atrodyti ir elgtis pokalbyje dėl darbo ir darbe“
Lietuvos Vyriausių Virėjų Asociacija „ Profesionali viešbučių ir restoranų darbuotojų išvaizda“
Lietuvos Verslo Moterų Tinklas/ Vilniaus moterų tinklas „ Asmens prekės ženklas“
Faconable parduotuvė PC ‘Europa” “Vyriška dalykinė apranga”
ICF (International Coaching Asossiation) “Kaučingo verslas ir Asmeninis Įvaizdis”
ULTIMA Casa – moteriški aksesuarai ir skarelės rišimo būdai
“HAI” – “Kliento poreikis: noriu atrodyti jauniau” apvalaus stalo diskusija
VU Kauno Humanitarinis Fakultetas
Klubas “Veikli” – “Atrodykit žavinga, pavasarį šarmingą”
“Artis” viešbutyje – atviras seminaras: Mandagumas yra svarbus
Beauty exhibition “Pelenė” 2011, Masažo meistriškumo mokyklos renginys
LiMA (Lietuvos Marketingo asociacija)
North European Coaching Association dabar ICF International Coaching Federation Lithuania
Klubas “VEIKLI” – Pasirengimas dalykinei kelionei
Litexpo, “Mokymasis. Studijos. Karjera 2010,” Vasario 4 d. 2010 “Pirmo Įspūdžio svarba”
Kirpėjų ir Grožio Specialistų Asociacija – “Ko tikitės Jūs ir ko tikisi klientas”
LEPA (Lietuvos Ekonominės Plėtros Agentūra) – lietuvių ir lenkų kultūriniai panašumai ir skirtumai
Pramogų bankas, Bosų gildija – – vadovų įvaizdis
Elsa, The European Law Student’s Association, Vilnius
Klubas Veikli – paskaita apie golfo etiketą
Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, Menų vadybos grupė
Vilniaus Rotary Klubas
Etiketo pamokėlė restorane „INN 555“ – Etiketo pamokėlės tavo vaikui

References (in Lithuanian)

Mūsų išvaizda, geros manieros ir tinkamas dalykinio protokolo taikymas gali tapti lemiamu veiksniu norint užmegzti ir palaikyti sėkmingus verslo santykius. Todėl esu tikras, kad ši knyga yra puikus asmeninis patarėjas kiekvienam, siekiančiam sukurti savo dalykinį stilių. Išsamūs patarimai, dėmesingas žvilgsnis į detales padės geriau save pristatyti skirtingomis situacijomis, suteiks daugiau pasitikėjimo savimi. Rekomenduoju šią knygą perskaityti visiems, siekiantiems tobulėti.
Andrius Pranckevičius, BALTICLAW, vadovaujantis partneris


Asmenybės diktuoja madą. Nėra madoje „rašytų taisyklių“, yra mados raida, gerbianti istoriją ir atspindinti šiandienos gyvenimo būdą. Tačiau pasirinktas gyvenimo būdas kartais reikalauja žinoti ir laikytis tam tikrų visuomenės ir veiklos padiktuotų normų, taisyklių, aprangos kodų, protokolo nuorodų. Ši knyga, manau, bus geras, išsamus vadovas po dalykinės, protokolinės veiklos pasaulį, kuriame be profesionalios pagalbos lengva suklysti. Nuoširdžiai linkiu, kad visi sužinotumėte ir išmoktumėte panaudoti praktinius patarimus, kaip elgtis, rengtis, ir kad elgesio ar aprangos kodai, uniformos, taisyklės netaptų mūsų dvasine uniforma.
Jolanta Talaikytė, Vilniaus dailės akademijos Kostiumo dizaino katedros profesorės


Šiuolaikiniame verslo pasaulyje dalykinė apranga atlieka vieną svarbiausių vaidmenų, ypač dalykinio protokolo paisymas yra svarbus tarptautiniuose santykiuose, kurie daugeliui tapo aktualūs dėl globalizacijos įtakos. Dažnas mūsų esame girdėję posakį: „Sutinka pagal drabužį…“, todėl svarbu ne tik tai, ką žinome, bet ir tai, kaip atrodome. Dalykinis stilius – tai visų pirma pagarba sau pačiam ir, žinoma, verslo partneriams. Ši knyga suteiks naudingų žinių ir verslo atstovams, ir politikams, ir žmonėms, kurie žino, kad dalykinis aprangos stilius – tai ne mada, kuri ateina ir išeina, o žinios, padedančios jaustis patogiai ir užtikrintai.
Rolandas Vilkončius, televizijos laidų vedėjas

What does Image consultant do?
Dressmaker. Expert professional who does custom sewing, alterations, and clothing repairs for others for a fee.

Designer. A person who creates original styling in fabric, clothing, and/or accessories, or new versions of existing styles.

Image consultant. A person who works with clients to improve self-presentation and communication through dress, grooming, body language, and etiquette, in ways that enhance his or her personal or professional image and aid in the achievement of their goals.

Stylist A person who selects and combines specific fashion styles to create a unique “look” for a client. A wardrobe stylist works with existing garments rather than creating new designs.

Wardrobe consultant. A person who helps clients select and combine clothing and accessories in ways that enhance his or her personal or professional image and aid in the achievement of goals.

Wardrobe stylist. A person who selects and combines all the clothes for people in photo shoots, stage, television, or movie production. A wardrobe stylist often aims to work with celebrity clients.

Life-style. A way of life, the way a person lives, including the geographical environment, natural resources, climate, weather, technological level, finances, activities, and associates.

Personal shopper. Retail employee or independent consultant who selects, coordinates, purchases, and delivers merchandise for customers and clients.

According AICI (Association of Image Consultants International)

What Does the Image Consultant Do?
An Image Consultant serves between who a person truly is and the image they want to project for people. What you say, how you say it, how well you speak, how you dress, how you market yourself, and how you present yourself are all important to your status and your overall image.

An Image Consultant usually becomes one’s personal confidant because it is an Image Consultant’s job to learn you on both a personal and professional level. Your Image Consultant must know you in order to project the most effective image for you. What works best for you and what does not? Your Image Consultant would know that.

If you are looking into becoming a public figure, the first thing on your agenda should be to find the best Image Consultant or Image Consulting team who will set you and your overall image up for success. You may be one of the most intellectual individuals, highly educated, well-versed, and even diversified in many different areas — but if your image does not reflect that, how successful will you really be?

Being the greatest in what you do means acquiring information from various resources while letting others help you become better than you were yesterday.

In today’s fast paced business world, impressions regarding competence, intelligence and reliability are formed within second are usually based on appearance. Knowing how to manage your personal presentation so that you are quickly seen as and confident is as critical as any business skill on a resume. Is your company’s image supported by your employees’ professional appearance, or do they look like they just woke up?

Make an impact… not just impression.  A powerful image in the corporate world conveys one’s influence, authority, and innovation. When others see you, they immediately make judgments concerning your level of professionalism and credibility. You’re image therefore crucial to your success and should not be compromised by any self-sabotaging messages you may be emitting through non-verbal communication. Express your personal style while dressing to exude confidence and to be accordance with the corporate image of your organization.

First Impressions really are lasting Impressions.  In today’s competitive business climate and global economy, protocol and etiquette are playing a paramount role in day to day business encounters. In the first thirty seconds people make judgments about us on a subconscious based on what they see, hear and sense. From business casual to the ultimate power look, tailor your presentation for success in today’s workplace. Knowledge of protocol enhances personal effectiveness and adds to the bottom line.

Everyone can look great and feel good in consequence. The secret is to dress in harmony with your own coloring, body shape, personality and lifestyle.

We believe that looking great is about highlighting your best futures forward to show the world who you really are – or who you want to be.

You just need to decide what kind of services do you need, contact few different consultants, talk and choose the right one for you.  You should decide for whom will this consultation: for employees, family member or for yourself. What type of consultation do you wish? Individual consultation, seminar for group or combined: seminar + individual consultation. What subjects and topics you would like to cover: appearance, hair styles, make-up, and casual look or etiquette and protocol.  Maybe you need corporate culture seminar or international business etiquette. Maybe you have a leader, but need someone one to help to dress or express more powerful. Does your image attract and keep valuable employees?

Does your image win profitable clients who see you as delivering the desired results? You should think about investment. You can buy one consultation and if you will like this specialist later buy more sessions. Professional specialist usually works for hourly wages. If you organization expect feedback, resumes and other documentations about every person, than the price can be few thousands euro. The specialist service prices various. It depends from project, consultant experience, popularity, market demand.
Professional consultant consultation hour can be from 75 to 350 euro.  If the consultant just beginning: from 25 to 50 euro per hour.
Presentation, work-shop with group, can be from 150 to 600 euro per hour. Half day or full day seminar price can be variable from 1000 to 7000 (10000) euro.
Very important to decide, how much you wish to invest, than find the consultant, which one could find and understand you needs and wishes. The prices can be various because of region, consultant experience.

What do Personal Shopper?

Not everyone enjoy shopping. Not everyone born with the ability to mix and match fabrics, identify flattering colors and styles or pull a polished look together with just the right accessories. If you already enjoyed walk and shop, understanding fashion and styles, body types, colors flow and shop for yourself…  Maybe is time getting paid as a personal shopper to help others make smart choices may be the perfect career for you.

A personal shopper employed by a department store or a boutique usually establishes a long-term relationship with the clients who seek his advice. The personal shopper taking the necessary measurements, getting a list of color and fabric preferences and determining how much the customer wants to spend. A day or two later, the personal shopper calls the customer back after having assembled a collection of outfits and accessories for her to try on. The merchandise selected all comes from the store in which the personal shopper works.

A personal shopper who works for himself has the flexibility to shop in a wide range of different stores but has often established some sort of commission relationship with merchants for promoting their clothing lines. He’s also required to establish a relationship with them wherein the merchants allow him to “borrow” the outfits his clients will be trying on and return in good condition the ones that aren’t chosen.

For long standing relationships with satisfied clients, a personal shopper is often given a credit card number by the client to make purchases directly. For personal shoppers who look for deals online, a modest fee is paid that is commensurate with the amount of time the client believes she is saving by not having to do Internet searches himself.

To be a successful personal shopper requires that you not only know a lot about the psychology of image consulting, makeovers and fashion trends, but that you also have a structured business plan for determining your operating expenses, setting your fees, advertising your select services, resolving disputes and figuring out what you’re going to owe in taxes.

Each individual is unique and, as such, it’s critical never to force a particular style on someone if it’s just not who he is. This means staying abreast of classic styles and current trends as well as educating yourself on the particulars of the industries in which your clients work. Detailed (and confidential) record-keeping is a must so that a client won’t have to keep repeating his shirt size every time he wants something new. Many personal shoppers are also called upon to give advice regarding hairstyles, makeup and etiquette – all of which can be an overwhelming task if your expectation was that you’d only be picking out sweaters.

If you’re not comfortable with these areas, it would behoove you to establish a network of experts for referral. Last but not least, a client who gives you his credit card is handing you his trust; do not abuse it.


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+370 687 33462


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